Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Made it to portland! The last few days we were biking through some pretty rough desert, than we finally hit the trees! We stayed in Portland for  our last build day too. I liked the city. The last week was scary as there was always smoke around, making it always seem like it was evening. Wildfire raged miles away, and the prospect of getting vanned was always there.

But we finally made it to Portland! I'm in a town called Carlton now. We have just two ride days left! I'm so happy to have almost biked across the country! I fell today, no injuries, but I have to remember to be careful! Oh, I saw my mom In Portland, she came to visit me! It was awesome!

Here are a few of my photos of the last few days, I'm going to bed
Is looking at affordable housing grants
How did that get there!?
The desert of Oregon 
Us dividing our grant money to different organizations 
Pizza in Portland 
Portland build day!
My friend Julia 
Party bus
Reed college

Last townhall meeting

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sweet sweet Oregon/Prom

Woooooooo! I biked to Oregon! Two days ago we pasted the state line and had a marvelous time at the border. Sparkling cider and ice pops were had, along with many photos! 
Some random stadium in Boise that I happend upon.

The next day we biked a hard 80 miles to the host, which was our last camping day. We finally past into pasific time!
There was also an instance of a large number of cows running towards us. Usually whenever we see cows we yell at them "HEY COW!" And see how many look, though in this instance, a very large number not only looked, but ran over to the fence to see us!
That night for dinner I went to a cafe and got a double beacon cheeseburger and a hot cocoa.
Today was an easy 50 into john day Oregon. The ride was very nice and I got this cool shot

Tonight is our prom! We are all going to a brewery for a big party! We are all getting dressed up quite silly.
As you can see!

after a few thousand miles, time for a little party!